Crystal clear aqua waters, green coconut palms and clean crisp ocean air are all part of what makes Koh Samui the pictorial image of a tropical paradise. And for a truly unforgettable Koh Samui experience, you can’t go past a stay in an incredible luxury villa. Holidaying in one of Thailand villas will provide unparalleled comfort, privacy, and luxury.

Many Koh Samui villas actually lie right on the pristine sands. We have many contemporary villas in Thailand that are built in traditional Thai style, adding to your holiday experience and giving you a true feel for Thai culture while still pampering you with every imaginable luxury, convenience and creature comfort. Thais are by nature extremely friendly and tolerant, however, while holidaying in Koh Samui, it’s important to be aware of some of the cultural no go zones to avoid causing offense and to help make your stay truly enjoyable. Here are top 5 recommendations:

1. Nude bathing: Nude and topless swimming and sunbathing are deeply offensive to many people, especially Samui’s many Muslims. Swimsuits are not appropriate attire away from the beach and pool and men and women should wear shirts while out and about in the local villages.

2. Don’t go Troppo: Koh Samui’s sun drenched days and balmy tropical nights are heaven on earth but if you’re flying in from more frigid climes, it’s easy to forget just how powerful the combination of heat and sunshine can be. Don’t let a case of heat stroke or sunburn spoil your perfect holiday. Cover up in the sun, drink plenty and stay hydrated and don’t over exert in the heat of the day.

3. The Royal Family: The Thai adore and respect their Royal Family so be very careful never to make any negative comments about them, even in jest. Monks are also highly regarded and should be treated with respect. In public transport there are seats reserved exclusively for monks so be sure to avoid sitting in them. Women should avoid physical contact with a monk.

4. Losing your cool. For cultural and religious reasons, Thais will avoid a confrontation at all costs and consider shouting and swearing extremely uncouth and uncivilized. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, raising your voice or using bad language will not bring the desired result. Remain softly spoken, and try to win the day with politeness and persistence. The Thai you are speaking to will likely honor you for possessing that most treasured of Thai traits, “A Cool Heart.” Remember, Villa Getaways always has a local Thai representative to help with any difficulties.

5. Feet Etiquette. The feet are considered the lowest part of the body. Avoid exposing the soles of your feet in plain view and take care not to rest your feet on a table or point them toward a person or a Buddhist monument. Remove your shoes before entering someone’s home, or a temple.

A visit to Thailand is a culturally fascinating experience. Thai people are extremely warm and hospitable. Exercising a little awareness and consideration when visiting their country will make your stay there all the more enjoyable.

On your arrival, one of our representatives will greet you and brief you on everything you may possibly need to be aware of and will always be on hand to deal with any issues that may arise. All you need to do is relax and enjoy your luxurious Koh Samui villa experience. Paradise awaits!