DAVID Beckham’s 10-million-euro house on Koh Samui may be environmentally friendly, using solar panels to generate some of the electricity it uses, but the state-of-the-art mosquito exterminator installed in it has upset local Buddhist monks.

The religious men have reportedly suggested that the famous soccer star and his wife, Victoria, a former Spice Girl, find a “non-harmful” solution to exterminate the blood-sucking insects. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a carrier of dengue fever, which can at times be fatal.

According to Buddhist belief, man should avoid killing living creatures, no matter how small.

Britain’s Daily Star newspaper had reported that the Beckhams “were very keen to keep the mosquitoes out because they can carry disease, as well as be annoying.”

The newspaper added, “But the last thing they want to do is annoy the locals, especially the monks who’ve been here hundreds of years, so they’ve got a real dilemma now.”